Using your private health insurance for your knee and hip conditions 

We are recognised by all major health insurers and are fee assured 
You might be fortunate enough to have purchased private health insurance or have cover through your place of work or employer. 
If this is the case please you contact your insurer prior seeing Mr Imbuldeniya and let them know you would like him to take over your care. 
Mr Imbuldeniya is recognised by ALL major health insurers nationally and internationally as a hip and knee specialist surgeon, and his West London clinic locations are on their approved lists. 
To ensure your consultations and any tests required are covered, you will need a preauthorisation number from your insurer which you should bring to your consultation. 
Be aware of any excess payments you might have to fund separately yourself, as all health plans are different and you are responsible for any fees not covered by your insurer. 
If in doubt, please contact us directly by phone or email so we can help and advise.